

The Pio app functionalities presented in this article are only visible for Pio Admins.

Pio Admins and Pio Managers will find the overview of all the products, shelf items, bins and kits in Pio system in Dashboard > Inventory.

Topics covered in this article

Sort and filter


The Products page lists all products in your inventory. Products are populated automatically in Pio via eCommerce integration, so you cannot add products directly in Pio. All products in Pio must have a unique SKU. 

You can search for a specific product using a SKU number or product name. Use sort and filter to find the exact product you are looking for.

In the product list you will see the following information about each product:

  • image
  • product title
  • SKU number
  • variant details like color and/or size
  • quantity in stock


Sort and filter

You can sort the product list by:

  • title in alphabetical order
  • title in reverse alphabetical order
  • stock levels high to low
  • stock levels low to high


By using filters, you can limit the product list by store name and brand.

Expand the filter options by clicking the filter names, and select your filters of choice. The result list updates automatically when choosing a filter:

Product details

Selecting a product from the list will give you more detailed information about each product:

  • Product title, variant, and SKU
  • Quantity in stock
  • Which store(s) it belongs to 
  • Product location in Pio:
    • Bins that contain this product
    • How many items are stored in each bin, and what compartment it is stored in

From the bin section containing the specific product, you can access details on each bin. This will give you a list of all contents in this specific bin.



Selecting ‘Bins’ in the inventory list will show you a comprehensive list of all bins in your system:

  • List of all bins, (default sorted by when it was last viewed)
  • Bin layout (compartments)
  • Bin number (Bin ID)
  • The number of items in the bin


Sort and filter

You can sort the bin list by:

  • Bin content, lowest to highest (default)
  • Bin content, highest to lowest
  • Last viewed


By using filters, you can limit the list of bins by the number of compartments (1, 2, 4, 4(verticals), 8, 16) or to see all empty compartments.

Select your filters of choice, and the bin list will be updated automatically.

To remove all filters, select ‘Clear all’ in the filter menu or click the 'Clear all' above the filtered list. filter_by-2.jpg

Bin details

In ‘Bin details’ you can see the contents and number of items in each bin.


Using the ‘View bin history’-button, you will get a list of all recent activities related to a specific bin, including what has been done, who did it, and when it was done.

Note: You can only view content in ‘Dashboard’ mode. If you want to request a specific bin to a port, you need to switch to ‘Port’ mode, note the bin number and search for it using 'Search'.

Bin history view:

Full overview of bin specifications can be found in this article: Pio bin details


Kits are product bundles that are imported from Shopify. A kit can consist of as many items as you want.

Under Kit you can see the products that are connected to the kit and how many of those products you have in stock.

Read more about how a kit can be created and how to edit content in a kit in this article: Kits

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