The Pio app functionalities presented in this article are only visible for Pio Admins.
You can create kits that are a bundle of products in Pio. A kit can consist of as many items as you want.
Kits are useful if you are selling product bundles in your online store, like a shaving set or a Christmas gift collection.
Topics covered in this article
Kits and product bundles
Sort and filter
Kit details
Kit creation
Edit contents
Kits and product bundles
You can find kits under 'Inventory' in your Pio Dashboard.
Sort and filter
You can sort the kits list by:
Kits available (min-max/max-min)
Kit size (min-max/max-min)
Name (a-z/z-a)
Kit details
Select a kit in the inventory list to see the kit details. This page will show you kit title, SKU number, photo and amount available, and list the contents of this specific kit.
Kit creation
To create a kit, you will first need to create it in Shopify (or other e-commerce CMS):
Log into your Shopify account
Go to all products
Click 'Add product'
Add a product title (such as Travel kit)
Tag it with PIOKIT and save (once saved, the kit will appear in Pio Inventory > 'Kits’)
In Pio, add items from your inventory to the kit
To add an item to a kit in Pio, use the ‘Add Products’ button at the top right. Search for the product you want to add, using the product title or SKU number.
Select the item you want to add from the list by clicking it.
Next, select the number of items to add. Click ‘Confirm’ to add the product to the kit contents.
A status update will confirm that the item has been added to the kit.
Edit contents
In the Kit content list, next to the product you want to edit, select the dotted icon to prompt the editing menu. Here you can 'Edit quantity' of contents in a kit, or 'Remove from kit' if a product is not longer applicable.
The number next to the kit title shows the total of available kits in stock. The number on each item line, next to the dotted icon, shows the quantity of the product currently stored in Pio.
Note: If an item inside a kit is out of stock (or has an insufficient number of items to make a kit), the entire kit is set as ‘out of stock’. You can change this by updating the item amount or replace missing items.