Stocktake Overview for Admins


The Pio app features presented in this article are only visible to Pio Admins.

Shelf stocktake status

Navigate to Pio Admin > Inventory > Stocktake. As a Pio Admin user, you will find an overview of the shelves and the status of stocktaking this year.

Confirmed locations

The overview shows a progress bar with the percentage of how many of the existing shelves have been confirmed this year.

Locations with discrepancies

The middle progress bar shows the percentage of locations confirmed with other quantities than expected.

Total discrepancies

Shows the total number of items that don't match the expected quantities for the shelf.

Detailed stocktake history

Select the 'Export stock data' to download a CSV containing all the stocktaking details.

The inventory export lists the following details:

  • location
  • SKU
  • brand
  • product category
  • expected quantity
  • confirmed quantity
  • discrepancy
  • last confirmed date
  • confirmed by user


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