The Pio app functionalities presented in this article are only visible to Pio Admins.
Learn how to integrate your Shopify and Pio app with Webshipper to simplify product shipping from Pio.
You only need to set up the Webshipper integration once. The integration setup should wait until the Pio app is ready and connected with the 'Stub', as it requires the Ports to be available for choosing the printers to use for each port.
When shipping something though Pio, you will, if set up correctly, never have to log in to the Webshipper service. Once created, the Shopify Order Channel is where all Pio orders will end up when picked.
Follow these steps to integrate Webshipper with Shopify + Pio
Recommended preparations in Shopify
Recommended preparations in Webshipper
Install Webshipper app in Shopify
Set up Shopify Order Channel
Set up shipping rates in Webshipper
Enable Webshipper shipping rates in Shopify
Install Webshipper printer client
Set up Zebra label printer
Webshipper printer settings
Integrate Webshipper and Pio app
Recommended preparations in Shopify
Before adding the Webshipper integration to your Shopify, you have to enable "Third-Party-Calculated-Shipping-Rates". This is to be able to use shipping rates from Webshipper in your Shopify checkout.
See also Webshipper's documentation for how to do this: Get started with Shopify (requires login)
"Third-Party-Calculated-Shipping-Rates" must be enabled by Shopify customer support. You can contact Shopify chat here (requires login with your Shopify account).
Recommended preparations in Webshipper
Carrier(s) with shipping rates can be set up and enabled before the integration is added. Also the printer client for Windows or Mac laptop where the label printer is connected to can be installed and tested before integration is set up. Details from Webshipper are found further down in this article: Install Webshipper Silent Printer
See also Webshipper's own article for more details: How to get started with Webshipper (requires login)
Install Webshipper app in Shopify
Log in to your Webshipper account > Connect > New Order Channel > choose Shopify.
Fill in the name, number of drop points and set the integration to "Synchronising".
The screenshot below shows the recommended settings for the order channel.
Fill in your Shopify URL and click "Grant Permission":
You will be redirected to your Shopify admin page to install the app.
Click “Install app”:
You will be redirected back to Webshipper page to continue setting up the integrations.
Set up Shopify Order Channel
Continue with setting up the following settings in your Webshipper accounts for the Shopify Order Channel:
- Locations (must be added in Settings > Locations)
- Parcel slip (choose "Do not print automatically" if you don't want to print a separate parcel slip with each picked order)
- Print settings (return to this after printer client is installed)
In Advanced settings, the options should be left unchecked (Send automatically, Fulfill automatically, Synchronize additional attributes, Convert currency for rate quotes).
More details on this setup can be found in Webshipper's own article Get started: Shopify
Set up shipping rates in Webshipper
In Webshipper account, go to Connect > Carriers and enter your carrier account details.
When the carriers account details are added, you can proceed with adding these shipping methods in your Shopify checkout.
Enable Webshipper shipping rates in Shopify
In your Shopify Admin, the shipping setup should now be changed to use only Webshipper carriers in the checkout.
Go to Settings > Shipping and delivery > Shipping > click “Manage” on the existing shipping rate > click “Add rate” and choose “Use carrier or app to calculate rates”.
This will give you the option to use "Webshipper Rate Provider" and to choose which of the services should be offered for the current shipping zone:
Install Webshipper Silent Printer
Install the Webshipper silent printer client on the laptop where the printer is connected (via USB or Bluetooth).
Go to Print and click button "Download client for Windows" or "Download in App Store" and install the printer client.
Run printer client app and connect it to your Webshipper account by filling in your Webshipper account name + username/password:
The Webshipper Silent Printer will be running in the background and list all print jobs sent from Webshipper to the label printer.
Important! If you ever change the Webshipper account password used to setup the Silent Printer application, you will need to re-enter your login information on Silent Printer in order for it to continue functioning properly.
Set up Zebra label printer
See details for printer settings here: PC or MAC
Go to Printer settings for the newly installed printer, and choose Printing Preferences to adjust the size of labels to 100x192mm.
Webshipper printer settings
After installation of the printer client, you have to connect the workstation/laptop with your Webshipper account.
Go to Connect > Order Channels > Shopify > choose Edit Order channel in upper right corner > Print settings > choose the new workstation in dropdown:
After choosing the default workstation for printing, proceed with setting up where to print the different shipping documents.
Go to Print in main menu and click the Workstation where the printer client is installed.
Choose "Edit" in upper right corner to associate printers and documents.
Integrate Webshipper and Pio app
The last step is to create an API key/token in Webshipper that will be also added in Pio app to integrate Webshipper directly with Pio.
Go to Settings > Access and tokens and click "Create API token"
Use the following settings for the new token:
- Expires: Never
- Scopes: Select all (important!)
Click 'Save' in the upper right corner.
A popup will show the full API key.
Copy this key, and use it when setting up the integration in Pio App.
Set up the Webshipper integration in Pio App Admin
The last part of the integration setup is done in your Pio App. Open Admin section > System > Software integrations > Webshipper.
Add the requested details in Step 1 to 5.
Step 1 - Enter your Webshipper account name
Paste the name of your Webshipper account name here (don't include the rest of the URL).
Step 2 - Enter your token number
You should already have the API token in your clipboard from the steps above.
Step 3 - Choose your order channels
Select the webshops you want to use with Webshipper & Pio
Step 4 - Available shipping rates
The list will show the shipping rates currently available in Webshipper. If you add more shipping rates later, go back to this section and refresh available rates for the integration.
Step 5 - Connect printer to ports
Choose the printers located next to each of the ports.
This overview shows the current setup for Webshipper integration in Pio. You can click the pencil icon to the right to edit the connections.
The success page will show when the Webshipper account is successfully connected to Pio.
When the Webshipper integration is added in Pio app, you are ready to test the order flow and fulfillment with shipping methods and shipping labels from Webshipper.