When using Inventory Planner app for purchase orders and receiving stock to your Shopify, you can use the built-in integration with Pio and Inventory Planner.
Inventory Planner integration can be found in Admin section > System > Software Integrations, together with Shopify and Webshipper.
Follow these steps to set up your integration with Inventory Planner
Connect to existing IP account
Connect Pio to existing IP account
Go to Software Integrations in Admin > System menu, and select Inventory Planner. Click the green button to 'Connect your Inventory Planner account'.
Select your store
Next step is to choose which Shopify store to connect to your Inventory Planner account. You will find a dropdown with the current Shopify stores available in your Pio.
Enter account name
You can find the account name by navigating to your Account>Settings in Inventory Planner and select API. The Account name can be found here:
Copy account name and paste it here:
Enter authorization key
Follow the instructions on how to generate a new API key in Inventory Planner settings. Copy and paste the key in step 3 and select 'Connect' to initiate the integration.
Connection established
If correct details have been added in the previous steps, you will get the success screen to confirm the connection:
Error connecting your account
If you end up with the error page, please go back and review the account name and authorization keys entered and try again. If it still fails - contact Pio Support.
Storing items from purchase orders
How to do storing of products in purchase orders is explained in a separate paragraph in this article: How to store products in Pio
More details on how to navigate and use purchase orders in Pio app can be found in this article: Purchase Orders