View history of products and bins

From time to time there will be moments when you need to track down a product or a bin to find out why there are mismatches or incorrect items stored in a bin.

There can be many reasons for why a product is misplaced or the amount is wrong, but you can easily find the history of what has bin stored, picked or manually added/removed of a product or bin.

View product history

Product history is available from both Port mode (using Search) and Admin mode (using Inventory). 

When searching or browsing products, there is a button below the SKU and variant options on the product page to 'View product history'.


'View product history' will open a new window with all recent actions for this product within the last 30 days:

The screen shows the following details:

  • The User that performed the action
  • Which Action was taken: Stored, Picked or Viewed the product
  • How many items are available in Inventory, including changes
  • In which Location the product change happened
  • Specification of Compartment for the placement in the bin
  • The Time and date when the action happened

Tap the three dots on the right side of one of the actions to view the bin history:IMG_0224.PNG

This will open a new window with the bin history for the last 30 days. You will see a green frame highlighting the specific action from where you requested to see the bin history: 

View Bin history

Bin history is also available both from Port mode (Search) and Admin mode (Inventory). Search for a bin ID # and click the bin for where you would like to check the history.

The bin history shows the following details:

  • The User that performed the action
  • Which Action was taken: Stored, Picked or Viewed the product
  • How many items are available in Inventory, including changes
  • In which Location the product change happened
  • Specification of Compartment for the placement in the bin
  • The Time and date when the action happened


Tap the three dots on the right side of one of the actions to view the product history:


This will open a popup window with the product history for the last 30 days. A green frame will highlight the specific action where the product history was requested:



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