In case you need to reinstall Pio app on your iPad, follow these steps. Note that only Pio Admin can (re)install Pio app on iPads.
STEP 1: Delete old Pio app from your iPad(s)
Before you can reinstall Pio app on your iPad, you need to delete the old Pio app from your iPad(s).
1. Touch and hold the Pio app on your home screen.
2. Tap "Delete bookmark".
STEP 2: Install Pio app
After you have removed the old Pio app, you are now ready to reinstall it.
1. Open Safari to access Pio: (note that the URL has changed) DO NOT LOG IN YET!
2. Add the app to your home screen using the icon on the top right corner. Choose "Add to Home Screen":
3. Click add:
4. Make sure you close all Safari windows after you have added the app in your home screen.
5. After these steps Pio app should be added to your home screen. Every time you want to use Pio app, use this app (do not write the URL again in Safari URL).
STEP 3: Log in to Pio app and authorize it
Once you have added Pio app in your home screen, you can start using the app again:
1. Open Pio app (click Pio app link you added on your home screen).
2. Log in with your admin email and password. Use "forgot password" link if you have forgotten your password.
3. "Authorise device" prompt appears automatically the first time you are signing in to Pio with your iPad. Click on ‘Authorise device’ button. If you don’t see ‘Authorise device’ popup it means that you haven’t added the app in your home screen. Go back to step 2 and repeat the steps 2 and 3.
4. Pio is now reinstalled and ready to be used.
Note! Pio Admin needs to log in and authorize all the iPads that are used in the warehouse before Pio app can be used by other users. The process is the same for all iPads.