How can I block an order from picking?

All orders that are ready to be fulfilled are automatically sent to Pio and added to the picking queue, at which point the robots begin their work to optimize bin placement to reduce waiting time at the port.

If you need to hold an order back for any reason and want to prevent it from being presented for picking at the Pio port, this must be done within Shopify and cannot be done from Pio App. 

Manually remove an order from the picking queue

In Shopify -> Orders, select the order you'd like to prevent from being picked. Then within the "Fulfillment in progress" box, select the three dots, then "Request cancellation":

When requesting the fulfillment cancellation, you can add a note which will show in the Timeline history of the order:


In Pio, this order will now show as "Cancelled". 

How to manually add an order to the picking queue

When the order is ready to be handled that was previously held from picking with the steps above or wasn't sent to Pio for some other reason (payment issue, etc.), you can add it back to the picking queue. Open the order and click the green "Request fulfillment" button in the right corner below the order items.


In the next screen, click "Send fulfillment request". The order will now be sent to Pio and added to picking queue. 


When cancelling and re-adding an order to Pio, the order will show up multiple times in Pio app -> Dashboard -> Orders:


Read also: How can I exclude products from Pio?

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