Order Routing with the Pio + Shopify integration

Order routing in Shopify is a feature to manage where the orders should be fulfilled. The order routing is mainly for Shopify users with multiple locations in addition to the Pio location. 

Order routing rules in Shopify

The screenshot below shows the different routing rule options in Shopify. The first three rules are the default routing setup:

Order fulfillment with Pio

There are two options for order fulfillment with the Pio + Shopify integration:

  1. Send all the order fulfillments to Pio
  2. Send fulfillments to Pio based on the order routing in Shopify

1 - Sync all orders from Shopify to Pio

This is the default sync option where all orders that arrives in your Shopify will be requested fulfillment from Pio.

You can always request to cancel the fulfillment with Pio if you want to change the fulfillment location for an order. 

2 - Sync orders with fulfillment location Pio from Shopify to Pio

This option will request fulfillments from Pio for orders with fulfillment location Pio. Orders with other fulfillment locations, will not be automatically synced to Pio. 

You can change the fulfillment location to Pio and request fulfillment from this location manually if needed.

Enable order routing with Pio

If you would like to change your order routing setup in Pio, please submit a ticket through the Pio Help Center.


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